Wednesday, July 4, 2007


sometimes I think it is creepy how close horoscopes relate to my life and just really make sense. When I read the one for today, it just couldn't be more right for how I'm feeling these days.

my horoscope for today:

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

You don't like emotional uncertainty, although you don't mind your own ambivalence. You just don't like it when it comes from someone else. You may be feeling a bit miffed now because you cannot get a handle on what is going on. Don't stress about what to do; instead focus on how you feel. Stay connected with your heart, no matter what comes into awareness.


bahama97 said...

That is a little creepy and interesting all at the same time. **insert Twilight Zone music here** BTW, I signed up for your Keep it Fresh! Yay!

Treighsie said...

That is really freaky!!
Hope all is well and you are doing good.
Enjoy the summer!

pixie said...

Wow... that's good advice for all of us -- and I'm a pisces!

Unknown said...

That is creepy because I am a Libra too & on that day I did feel like that.

I've signed up to your Keep it Fresh.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen!
Wanted to let ya know that I signed up to "keep it fresh" with your blog. :)