Friday, June 29, 2007

Truth Be Told

well, I don't know if any of you Scraptowners will see this but if you do I hope you know I will miss reading your stories and sharing your lives and i'm sorry for all the drama. Although I never actually posted on any of the threads regarding this matter, so I am not completely sure why I was banned, I guess guilt by association, I chose the right friends. The only thing I can see I did wrong was allow Tyani to use my screen name to let you all know that Jennifer was only allowing posts she approved of on the board. (for those who didn't know before the banning Jennifer set it so all of Tyani's post had to be approved by her 1st) I didn't think that kind of censoring was fair and it was inappropriate. Most of you didn't see Tyani's post under my name since Jennifer deleted it immediately but Tyani never used any foul language, never called Jennifer any names, she just voiced her opinion (which I thought we were allowed to do)apparently not. As far as Glenda goes all she did was tell her side of the swap story, no name calling or foul language there either.

I will not change to please her but I will miss you all :) I hope you come back here to visit often and I will check in on all of you who have blogs of your own.


Treighsie said...

Jenn, I miss you too. I'm sorry this is all going on. It sucks. I hope it all works out. I will definitely be checking your blog often!


Unknown said...

I'll be checking your blog too Jenn. I'll miss you.

I'm not sure if you will be posting or reading at ST but I would like to let you know that your bingo prize has been sent out to you.