Monday, June 18, 2007

Missing Ryan

Yesterday we went to Pennsylvania and dropped Ryan off with his grandparents for the summer. It was very hard for me to do, especially not knowing when exactly he is coming home. He was so excited though and I AM happy for him. I know he will have experiences there that we could never teach him here just because of the different environments we live in. I also know that it is good for him to spend time with Duane's family. he is always with my family and it will be good that he gets to know them, they are his family too. That being said he is my baby and we have NEVER been apart this long ever. I was very brave while he was with us because I didn't want him to feel bad. I know he really wanted to go, but it took less than 5 min after driving away for the tears to come, i was a bit surprised myself, I haven't cried liked that in a long time. I really didn't expect to be that upset. Duane of course thought it was hysterical that I was so upset. He just doesn't get it.
Anyway, I am impatiently waiting for him to call, he didn't call last night but I am not going to be a pest and call him, even though I really want to. I told him to call when he got the chance. I guess it is time to just let go a little and give him room to grow. But man it sure hurts.


Debby Kelly said...

It's natural to feel the way you do when dropping off your son. Maybe he hasn't called you yet because he's having a very good time. He is fortunate to have a loving mother such as you . . . one filled with empathy and compassion. Be patient, a call will be coming through to you soon, and you will hear how he's having a very nice time. Debby (Naples, FL)

bahama97 said...

**hugs** I'm sure Ryan is making memories that will be with him for the rest of his life. He has you to thank for the great opportunity. You guys can come over anytime & hang out with us.