Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Recital Pictures

here are a few pictures from Ashlyn's dance recital. The ballet one is my absolute favorite! ( my SIL Jennifer took these pics- Thanks Jenn!!)

The Busy Season

Well things have ben really crazy here lately. Duane has been out of town all week and of course this was a busy week. Mon was Ashlyn's dress rehersal for dance and last night was the recital she did a wonderful job, I am so proud of her! We are finishing up soccer , Ryan was suppossed to start a tournament last night but luckily they moved it till next week so he didn't have to miss his game. That will be over soon and school is also winding down so alot of activies are going on over there that I want to be present for.

I will be so happy when summer arrives and we can just relax and not be so rushed. I have decided that I am not signing the kids up for any camps or anything this summer. I know Ryan will be going to upstate NY to visit his grandparents for awhile but other than that I am not making any definate plans just gonna play this summer by ear and enjoy it. The kids are getting so big am I am so tired of rushing around because we HAVE to be somewhere. I just want to relax and enjoy my time w/ them this summer.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Today is mine and Duane's 12th wedding anniversary. I sometimes cannot believe we have been together this long. It really does not seem like it. Time has gone by so quickly. I love him so much and i am so happy to be his wife. He really is a super great guy and he makes me smile and laugh all the time, he is there when I want to cry and yell. He listens to me complain. He is a wonderful father and a great friend. I definately could not ask for a better guy. I am a very lucky woman :)

Awesome Weekend!!

I had a really great time this weekend. On Saturday Tyani, Jennifer and I went to an all day crop and i had a really great time. I even won some prizes!!

While I was gone Duane actually took Ashlyn to dance and Ryan to his soccer game, then they deweeded my front flower beds, bought new flowers, planted them and they even mowed the lawn. My favorite thing of all though was they painted my refrigerator :)

Mother's Day was Sunday and that was great too. Duane bought me the sewing machine I wanted and then my family came over for dinner. I had a great day.

Monday, May 7, 2007


the next blog challenge on Scraptown involves food ~ which are my favorite and my least favorite. Very hard for me to choose. I don't really like much food so I guess I will start with my favorites.

Favorite Food:

Mom's Chicken and Dumplings ~ I can really only eat them if mom makes them for some reason, she has given me her recipie several times and I just can't make them right, but when mom makes them I can eat the whole pot by myself.

Other than that my favorites are pretty normal, pizza, burgers, chicken quesadillas

My Least Favorite:

1st off I will not eat any vegetables, no seafood, nothing with strange sauces on it either. Most of my food has to be pretty plain.

The food that pops into my head first is mashed potatoes, they literally make me gag. I just can't swallow them.I don't like the mushy texture at all. My father and i would fight constantly over the fact that I would not eat these but would smush up a baked potato and eat it. Can't explain it.

I have realized now that most of my food problems are completely mental because I will smell something that smells really good, but as soon as I find out what's in it I refuse to try it and if I do decide to try it, I can never swallow it. Sometimes Duane has managed to trick me into eating things and I really like them but won't eat them after I find out what it is. Don't know how to fix that problem either though.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

So Proud!!

Just wanted to brag a little about Ashlyn. Today at dance class her teacher gave her a letter inviting her to join the company next year. The company is what they call the dance team for her school that goes to the different competitions. They used to have tryouts for this but they started doing it by invitation only now and Ashlyn got one!

We are not completely sure if we are going to accept he invitation yet since in order to join company you must take ballet and Ashlyn had already decided she didn't want to do ballet next year, just tap, tumble & jazz. She really wants to join though and says she wants to do it even if she has to do ballet but I need to make sure she really intends to follow through, because it will not be much fun for me if I have to drag her to class every week. we have to make a decision by the 15th though or her spot will be offered to another child.

edited to add: we did decide to go ahead and do it, so come August Ashlyn will be a part of Company!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Bad Day

okay, so today I subbed 5th grade for the 1st time. When they called last night I thought no big deal, I have a 5th grader and I have dealt w/ him & his friends before, I can do this no problem.

Well, when I told Ryan this morning which teacher I was subbing for he says " I am so sorry mom, that class is horrible" I thought he was exaggerating, I was wrong, my day started off w/ another teacher handing me a pile of discipline referral forms and saying, you will need these. In the 1st 20 minutes, I had to send a student to ISS for telling me and the tutor who was helping out no, over and over and just being outright rude to the other children. By the end of the 1st 3 hours, I gave out 3 discipline assignments for disruptive behavior and had to send 1 other student to ISS.

Luckily this teacher team teaches with another 5th grade and we got to change classes before lunch. While we were changing classes the princpal and the Asst principal showed up to pull kids from both classes for something that happened on a bus that morning and luckily took away 4 boys from my afternoon class for ISS. The children that were left were well behaved so the day was not completely horrible, but I will never subb for that teacher again :(

This is my 1st bad experience with subbing and I guess I was just really disappointed since all my other classes had gone well before.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Ashlyn's 1st Field Trip

Ashlyn's class went on their 1st field trip to a strawberry farm, she was so excited and had the best time :)