Saturday, May 5, 2007

So Proud!!

Just wanted to brag a little about Ashlyn. Today at dance class her teacher gave her a letter inviting her to join the company next year. The company is what they call the dance team for her school that goes to the different competitions. They used to have tryouts for this but they started doing it by invitation only now and Ashlyn got one!

We are not completely sure if we are going to accept he invitation yet since in order to join company you must take ballet and Ashlyn had already decided she didn't want to do ballet next year, just tap, tumble & jazz. She really wants to join though and says she wants to do it even if she has to do ballet but I need to make sure she really intends to follow through, because it will not be much fun for me if I have to drag her to class every week. we have to make a decision by the 15th though or her spot will be offered to another child.

edited to add: we did decide to go ahead and do it, so come August Ashlyn will be a part of Company!!

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