Thursday, July 26, 2007

Today's Horoscope

Okay, I have decided to start watching my horoscope more closely (promise I won't post them every day, just when I think they are interestng :) ) since I have realized more often than not when I do check it that it seems to relate very closely to what is going on in my life at the moment. So here is today's, I can definitely see some truth in there but not completely, guess we'll have to see what secrets the day brings. Never know what i may learn today :)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

You could be stressing about what to say and what to keep secret. Your fantasies have been more active than usual, but don't tell everyone what's going on behind your gracious smile and charming eyes. There are some things better left unsaid. For now, discretion may really be the better part of valor.


Amy Marie said...

So what are you hiding behind your smile? Just teasing.. where do you read your horoscope at?

Carla said...

Just wanted to say HIIIIII Jenn -- I finally figured out how to leave comments (man I am slow sometimes) Miss you!!! Hugs!!

Jenn said...
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Jenn said...

Hi Amy! not hiding anything today :) I read my horoscopes on myspace

Hi Carla!! So glad to see you, I miss you too :)

Doctor Rick said...

Yeah, well 'discretion' is good, as long as it isn't deception in disguise.

Rosemary said...

Great to see some familiar faces here.

Your horoscope sounds really thought provoking, but maybe they do anyway!

Unknown said...

Your horoscope is thought provoking. It makes the person sound like the Mona Lisa, what is behind that smile?