Thursday, July 12, 2007

Stop the Insanity

okay, just need to vent a little. I am at work right now and they opened the bar back up this week and tonight I have been subjected to some very bad kareoke for the past 2 hours and it is getting worse as the customers get drunker. I don't think 2am will come fast enough.

Other than that, I had a pretty good day today. Didn't really do anything but hang out with the girls and take the cats to the vet. But just doing nothing and relaxing helped me feel alot better today. Also, I talked to Ryan this afternoon and we are now making plans to bring him home!!!! I still have to wait at least another week or 2 but I am still excited just to know that we are working on it. I could never have imagined I would miss him this much. I cannot wait to get my arms around him.


Amy said...

oh yuck drunken karaoke, hope you can block that memory from your mind! hooray on the plans to bring ryan home! i can imagine you are going to smother him with some good momma lovin' when you see him!

bahama97 said...

What? You didn't like my singing??? ;) Glad to hear about Ryan! That is good news!

pixie said...

It's so great to send the kids off to the grandparents, until you realize how much you actually miss them when they're gone!(Especially when you're being subjected to drunks mangling the words to I Will Survive.)

Unknown said...

That's wonderful that he is coming home soon. Ouch about the drunken karaoke.