Friday, August 31, 2007

Tough As Nails

Just wanted to share a few pictures of my baby with her 1st black eye. She was at soccer practice last night and there was a collision and she got hit in the face with someone else's head. I was so proud of her she cried for a few minutes, it was starting to swell real fast and i figured we were done for the night so I was packing up her stuff but then she ran right back out on the field to finish practice. She is only 1 of 2 girls on the team and all the other mom's were surprised she went back out there too and starting clapping for her (I think she loved that). A few of them told me their sons would probably still be crying about it. That made me smile a little :)

Can't wait to see her in her dance outfit this afternoon, my beautful ballerina with a black eye, that'll make a good picture :)

last night after we got home:

this morning:


Rosemary said...

Oh bless her, what a brave girl, that sort of head clash really hurts too.

Good for her going strainght back on the field.

Unknown said...

Ouch what a brave girl. You are right my son would have been asking to go home after that.

Amy Marie said...

Yup I have the boy who'd still be crying... glad she's tough. Post some pics of her in her dance outfit with that eye i'd love to see them.

bahama97 said...

**big hugs** to Ashlyn!!

Treighsie said...

What a trooper she is! Wow!
Yes, I think a photo of a ballerina with a black eye would make a great Layout!!