Monday, August 6, 2007

I'm Back!

Okay, I didn't really go anywhere. The hard drive on my computer crashed last week and I was too lazy all weekend to open the laptop so I had a computer free weekend. It was actually quite enjoyable and I think the kids enjoyed having more of my attention (when I wasn't yelling at them ;) ) I even got to read 2 whole books. Nothing really exciting has been going on over here. It is hot and nasty out so we are just trying to keep cool.

Tomorrow my mom is going to take my kids for a couple of days, they are pretty excited, she only lives in the next town but they don't get alot of one on one time with her, all the other cousins are usually there when we are, so this will be nice for them.

We are also leaving on Friday to go to Maryland, my niece Amanda is turning 16 tomorrow and she is having a campout at the beach on Monday with her friends. I promised her I wouldn't miss it so I will be there until Tues or Wed. of next week.


Amy Marie said...

Enjoy your kid free time and then your trip to Maryland, sounds like fun.

Treighsie said...

Enjoy your "time off" :)
And 16, wow! That birthday sounds fabulous!

Rosemary said...

Time to yourself - you won't know what to do!!! Enjoy your time and your time in Maryland

bahama97 said...

Enjoy your down time! I hope your Mom has fun with the kids.

Unknown said...

Enjoy your kidless time. Have fun camping out!