Friday, August 24, 2007

And the Countdown Begins..

Last night we went to Open House for the kids schools. They are both pretty excited, Ashlyn has a couple of friends in her class so she is feeling better about going back although she did seem a little upset that Ryan is not going to be at her school anymore. But I really like her teacher and her Asst teacher was Ryan's in Kindergarten and I really liked her, so I am happy.

Ryan couldn't be more excited to be going to the junior high. He was so happy to see all his friends, although his best friend Will, is not in his class this year. This is the 1st year they have ever been seperated, they have been in the same class since kindergarten. Although, Will is a nice boy, I am kind of glad they will be split up, they tend to get each other in trouble alot. Two elementary schools combine at the middle school so there are a whole lot of new kids and the funniest part to me was Ryan noticing all the new girls. He mentioned on the way home that he hoped he could get one of the "pretty new girls" to be his girlfriend. I had to laugh, but I am not ready for any of that. I guess my little boy really is growing up.

So now the countdown begins... 3 days left till the we start the new school year :)


Amy Marie said...

oh no noticing all the pretty new girls... I wouldn't be ready either. Glad they are both excited for school.

Treighsie said...

Oh wow! Changes changes! Good luck to them both!

Unknown said...

Oh he is growing up so quickly. I hope they both have a great school year.

bahama97 said...

Hope they both have great first days of school!

Amy said...

Wow, big changes this year! Hope they get off to a great start and have a great year!