Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I had a discussion with Ashlyn yesterday about making choices and the difference between a good choice and a bad choice and while sometimes the bad choice is alot more fun you should not pick that if you KNOW that it is bad even if you really want to do it anyway. And then if you choose the bad choice you must own up to it and be prepared to accept the consequences of your choice. Well, she's 6 so I don't know if she completely understood me but it just got me thinking, i know how she feels, it's so hard to make the good choice when the bad choice is so appealing.

anyway, here's today's horoscope, I think I may take the day to hide & keep to myself :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

Pay attention to what you say today, for your words carry more emotional weight than you intend, even if you try to couch your feelings in vague meanderings. Deeply rooted issues can come dangerously close to the surface and interrupt your life. Although the resulting disruption could turn into a bothersome problem, it can be an important step to resolving the underlying issue.

I also want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beautiful niece Ally, she's 6 today!! I love you sweetie!!

Ally & Ashlyn


Amy Marie said...

Oh Jenn maybe it would be good to work out the issue and not keep hiding from it... I try to talk to Jac about choices too... and he's six so I guess i'm not sure he gets it yet either...

Rosemary said...

Jenn even if they don't understand it all they take what they want from these discussions and one day they will say something that makes you realise they did just that. Even now my step kids, both in their 20's, say things that make me realise that our chats worked. When it happens you will feel so good.

Unknown said...

I have had the same talk with Brent (7) & I'm not sure he "got" it either.

Vern said...

Keep talking Jenn.
She will take in more than you think.
Kind of like when they are playing and you think they aren't listening.
She is hearing you.