Ughhh, I am so angry right now and quite frankly Ryan is very lucky that he is not home at the moment.
1) Last week Ryan comes up and asks me if I have seen his wallet and tells me he lost it, I ask him if it had all his money in it because several days earlier I told him to take some out. He had around $30 and I don't think an 11 yr old needs to have that much money on him, well he didn't take the money out so now it is all missing.
2) On Sunday I washed some of his baseball cards and he got upset and we had a huge conversation about how it is his job to empty his pockets not mine (this will be important when I get to #4)
3) yesterday he comes to me and lets me know that he has now misplaced his brand new Nintendo DS that we bought him for graduation. When I tell him to go look for it he says, "well I would have found it when I looked for my wallet if it was here." Quite frankly I didn't think he looked all too hard for his wallet anyway. Ashlyn keeps lending him all her money so he doesn't care.
4) the topper is today, i am doing laundry and when I take the clothes out of the wash I find his Ipod. I called him at my mother's and he really doesn't seem to care at all. He asked if it still worked and when i said no he was like oh well.
This boy has literally lost everything of any value that he owns in 1 week and he doesn't care even one little bit. I have no idea how to even handle this or know where to begin. His father knows about the wallet but I know when I tell him about the DS & the Ipod he is gonna flip a shit. He really needs to learn a lesson from this but I am at a complete loss, I really just want to strat screaming and yelling. HELP!!
Now that I'm done ranting, I want to wish my niece Amanda a Happy 16th Birthday!! It is so hard for me to believe she is 16 already, I was only 16 when she was born, my how time flies :)