Thursday, March 1, 2007


today wasn't too bad, I did spend my morning making phone calls for my loving husband while I should have been sleeping since I worked last night. He gets on these kicks where he decides he wants to buy something and it is never something easy I can go pick up at wal-mart.

In the last 3 weeks he has decided he wants this car he saw in a repo lot. It actually doesn't look bad compared to the car he drives now, problem is the bank that actually owns the car is in Maryland and the woman who I keep talking to trying to figure out IF we can even buy it and for how much is not really being that helpful. She never returns phone calls and Duane keeps bothering me about it like I can make this go any faster.

We went to an art gallery w/ the kids on Sunday and since then he has decided that he wants another "cornbread". Cornbread is an artist he discovered on our 10th anniversary trip to Ashville in '05. he already has 2 paintings and 1 really cool marker drawing by this artist and the painting he wants now is in a gallery in GA. That purchase wasn't as difficult as the car but the gallery is only open for 4 hrs. 3 days a week so i had to wake up just so I could call this lady. But the bright side is his cornbread will be here no later than Tues. :)

Other than that, today was my sisters birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA!! I love you and miss you. She turned 35 today. I really wished she lived alot closer,she is my best friend and I miss having her around to talk to. She was suppossed to come visit this weekend but her kitty got hurt and had surgery last night so she can't leave him now and the trip would be too long to bring him. Hopefully she will be able to come soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Husbands and their "toys" *lmao*

I hope your sister gets to come visit soon...sorry to hear about her kitty :(