Monday, December 10, 2007

That Christmas Spirit??

Been having a hard time trying to find mine this year. With school & work and just trying to keep everything running I wasn't getting anything done and it was really bothering me since I am usually ready by the beginning of December. I never even got the kids pictures taken this year which is the 1st time that hasn't happened since Ryan was born. But after a huge meltdown on Saturday and a good cry I seem to be moving forward.

Today we managed to decorate both trees, the house and i even got all my Christmas cards done and ready to mail. Now just a lot of wrapping and a few more gifts to buy and I am ready.

So today the Christmas spirit returns! HO!HO!HO!


Treighsie said...

Ho ho ho!
I'm glad you were able to get into the spirit. It's hard when you're so busy, I know.

Unknown said...

Ho ho ho!

I hope you are still in the Christmas spirit, I still have to find mine.