Friday, June 20, 2008

It's A Girl!

Not too much going on around here these days. My beautiful new niece was born on Monday. Her name is Avery Marie. I can't wait to go see her. Unfortunately I have to wait till 4th of July weekend before I have any time off to go up there.

Ryan has been gone for a week now. My father-in-law came down last week and took Ryan back to New York with him. I miss him so much already and just want him to come home. But he is having a great time with his grandpa so I guess it's all good. Time for me to stop being selfish and let him grow up. When I go see Avery, Ashlyn is going to stay in Maryland with my sister for a month so it's going to be pretty quiet around here.

Other than that not much else is going on over here. School is going good. I am starting to hate going there every day though. Some days I really need a break from it but if I want to graduate in May I have to keep going. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel so I can't stop now.


Unknown said...

Congrats on being an aunt again.

Keep plodding on Jenn, it will be so worth it when May comes around. You can do it!

bahama97 said...

Congrats to you all!! Love the name Avery!!

Keep up with the schooling - it'll all be worth it.

Miss you guys!

Amy Marie said...

Wow congrats on being a new auntie, and sounds like you'll be having a pretty low key summer with the kids away! Enjoy!